Celebrating Our 100,000th Free Surgical Procedure

Celebrating Our 100,000th Free Surgical Procedure

Today Mercy Ships Canada celebrates a major milestone: the 100,000th free surgical procedure provided to a patient in West Africa. The momentous occasion comes as Mercy Ships celebrates 40 years of transforming lives in the world’s poorest nations.

“We’re excited to reach this significant milestone and honoured to be a part of transforming so many lives,” Jamie McItosh, Mercy Ships Canada CEO says.

Currently docked for a 10-month stay in the port of Conakry, Guinea, these free surgical procedures are performed on the world’s largest charity hospital ship, the Africa Mercy, run by skilled volunteers from over 40 nations around the world.

Volunteer surgeons onboard the Africa Mercy treat tumours, burns, vision problems, women’s health conditions, childhood orthopaedics and a range wide of general surgeries.

“I’m especially grateful to all of the Mercy Ships volunteers, who raise their own airfare, support and pay room and board on ship to bring these services! And also to the donors who faithfully support and sustain us,” says McIntosh.

Yesterday, a volunteer carried baby Aissata, a seven month old girl, into the operating room. Another volunteer made sure the anesthesia and instruments were in order while another made an incision. During her recovery, more will provide post operative care. Other crew members will prepare meals for those in the wards and operating theatre, and throughout it all the technical crew will keep everything running.

Many hands and hearts are involved in every journey to hope and healing – and this legacy is shared by all who have served and supported Mercy Ships in the mission to bring hope and healing to the world’s poorest nations.

On behalf of Mercy Ships Canada, thank you volunteers and donors who helped make this significant milestone possible!

volunteer Florence Bangura

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