In Africa, we provide free medical care

Every year, more than 2,000 surgeries and 8,000 dental treatments are performed
free of charge for people living in poverty in Africa.

This medical care is made possible by the donations we receive and the commitment of 1,550 volunteers
who have been joining us on humanitarian aid missions every year for over 40 years!

To carry out these missions, we use a fleet of civilian hospital ships: the Africa Mercy and the Global Mercy.

Medical care that changes lives

Mariama, Sira, Awa, Amadou… and so many others who can smile again thanks
to the health care and surgeries performed by Mercy Ships volunteer crews.    

Discover their incredible stories

Muriella’s Journey of Hope

Meet Muriella years after surgery! She lived with a facial tumor for years, then Mercy Ships returned to Madagascar.

Malang: Two Hours of Surgery, A Lifetime of Transformation

Malang was 2 years old when his legs first started curving outward. Discover how a 2 hour surgery on the Global Mercy fixed his bowed legs!

Mercy Ships Welcomes Anjara, First Cleft Lip Patient in Madagascar

On May 28th 2024, Anjara became the first patient to receive free life-changing cleft lip surgery from Mercy Ships in Madagascar.

Papa’s Story

When a facial tumour began growing from, he feared that it would dash his prospects as a professional mechanic. He then met Mercy Ships.

Aissatou: A father’s love

Since Aissatou was born with a cleft lip four years earlier, her father Ousmane had been in pursuit of her healing.

A Double Portion of Blessings for Emmanuel

When a facial tumor first began growing, it was just a minor concern. Emmanuel felt flickers of worry, hoping it would fade away with time.

We’ve seen firsthand the challenges that arise when people don't have access to safe and timely healthcare. It weakens communities and leaves individuals vulnerable.


Mercy Ships has been offering free healthcare
for over 40 years.

  • Two surgical ships, the Global Mercy and the Africa Mercy.
  • Over 1,550 qualified volunteers from all over the world serve annually.
  • Mentorship and training programs support local medical professionals in achieving long-term success.

Mercy Ships, a Heartfelt Story

Since 1978, Mercy Ships has been providing medical care, surgeries and
dental treatment to people living in poverty in Africa.

More than 5 million people do not have access to basic health care,
even though this should be a right for every human being.

This situation is not inevitable. You can help by:


Making a Donation

Every contribution counts. Every donation is a step in the right direction, making a difference in the life of someone in need of basic medical care. Be a part of that change by making a donation now.


Becoming a Volunteer

Would you like to do more than just make a donation, and join us in helping those who need it most? Become a volunteer and join our crews who work on the ground every day.


Talking About Us

Are you unable to help us with a donation or by becoming a volunteer but still feel moved by our mission? Support us by spreading awareness of our activities to others.

Your support allows medical care, among other things…

  • To give back a smile and a taste for life to the people treated
  • To help them find self-confidence after months or even years of suffering
  • To help them take their place in the community and be respected by those around them
  • To give children the opportunity to return to school or go to school for the first time
  • To have as normal a life as possible, quite simply

At the same time, we develop care systems for local health professionals
and invest
in the medical infrastructure where we work.

Follow Mercy Ships Canada on Instagram

Not only did Yusif find the healing he needed, but he also made new friends and experienced love. “I was treated well and taken care of. I had time to play, watch movies, and make new friends,” Yusif recounted. “I feel good now. I was not able to do anything before with my hand, but now I can do everything: run errands, play football, and go to school without feeling ashamed.”⁣
🌍 In Africa, an estimated 435,000 to 580,000 snake bites occur annually, leading to acute medical emergencies like severe paralysis and local tissue destruction that can cause permanent disability and limb amputation. But thanks to safe surgery, Yusif has found hope and received treatment. He is now free to chase his dream of becoming a medical doctor.⁣
#MercyShips #MercyShips #GlobalMercy #SafeSurgery #HopeAndHealing⁣
🌍 En Afrique, on estime que 435 000 à 580 000 morsures de serpent se produisent chaque année, entraînant des urgences médicales pour des paralysies sévères, ou des destructions des tissus se transformant en un handicap permanent ou l'amputation d'un membre. ⁣
C'est grâce à une intervention chirurgicale fiable que Yusif est aujourd'hui libre de ses mouvements. Il a non seulement trouvé la guérison dont il avait besoin, mais il s'est aussi fait de nouveaux amis à bord.⁣
« J'ai été bien traité et on s'est bien occupé de moi. J'avais le temps de jouer, de regarder des films et de me faire de nouveaux amis », raconte Yusif. « Je me sens bien maintenant. Avant, je ne pouvais rien faire avec ma main, mais maintenant je peux tout faire : faire des courses, jouer au soccer et aller à l'école sans avoir honte. »⁣
Yusif est désormais libre de poursuivre son rêve de devenir médecin.⁣
#chirurgie #opération #liberté #soinsdesanté⁣
📸: Abigail Beinetti
“From an early age, I saw how difficult it is in our setting to get treatment,” said Dr. Gracious Sankulani, from #Malawi.⁣
After his mother’s battle with cancer, a young Gracious resolved to “reach those who cannot manage to get medical care.”⁣
This year, as a fourth-year surgical resident, Dr. Sankulani came on board the #GlobalMercy for a special training opportunity in partnership with the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS). Dr. Sankulani spent three months helping the crew perform reconstructive plastic surgeries for patients with benign tumors, burn contractures, and severe scars.⁣
Now Dr. Sankulani can bring his new skills back home to Malawi, to help others like his mother.⁣
#MercyShips #MercyShipsCanada #Volunteer #Training #PAACS⁣
« Dès mon plus jeune âge, j'ai constaté à quel point il était difficile de se faire soigner dans notre pays », a déclaré Dr Gracious Sankulani, originaire du #Malawi.⁣
Après le combat de sa mère contre le cancer, Gracious s'est résolu à aider celles et ceux qui n'arrivent pas à obtenir des soins médicaux.⁣
Cette année, pendant sa 4ème année de chirurgie, Dr Sankulani est monté à bord du #GlobalMercy pour une opportunité de formation spéciale en partenariat avec l'Académie panafricaine des chirurgiens chrétiens (PAACS). Le Dr Sankulani a passé 3 mois à aider l'équipage à réaliser des chirurgies plastiques reconstructives pour des patients souffrant de tumeurs bénignes, de contractures de brûlures et de cicatrices graves.⁣
Dr Sankulani peut désormais apporter ses nouvelles compétences au Malawi, afin d'aider d'autres personnes comme sa mère.⁣
#impactdurable #formation #chirurgiefiable⁣
📸: Tirsa Tapia Zamora
🇨🇦 Happy Canada Day! 🇨🇦 ⁣⁣
We are so thankful for our Canadian volunteers, as well as our fantastic donors! You guys are our favorite people, and we promise we're not biased! 👏🎉⁣🍁⁣
🇨🇦 Bonne fête du Canada! 🇨🇦⁣
Nous sommes très reconnaissants envers nos bénévoles canadiens, ainsi qu'envers nos généreux donateurs! En toute honnêteté, vous êtes nos personnes préférées. 👏🎉🍁⁣
#MercyShipsCanada #MercyShips #CanadaDay

Thank you to our donors and volunteers

Since 1978, thanks to them, we have been able to:


surgeries on board our hospital ships

Carry out

dental treatments, performed by our volunteer dentists


local health professionals in advanced medical procedures

Today, we are counting on you to continue our mission

How would you like to help us?