Interferry to Back Mercy Ships Healthcare Mission

Interferry to Back Mercy Ships

Global trade association Interferry and Mercy Ships have announced that Interferry will support Mercy Ships, an international charity with the mission to increase access to healthcare in developing nations through a fleet of hospital ships. Interferry will highlight Mercy Ships at its annual conference in October and will further promote the charity to the association’s industry-wide membership.

“Mercy Ships bring free, quality medical care to the poorest nations of the world using their unique converted ferry Africa Mercy,” says Interferry CEO Mike Corrigan. “As the association representing the worldwide ferry industry, we want to lend a hand and bring more attention to the excellent work Mercy Ships performs around the globe.”

The largest non-governmental hospital ship in the world, Africa Mercy, features five operating theatres and 82 patient beds. Through 578 port visits in 70 nations, Mercy Ships have touched more than 2.71 million patients, including performing over 95,000 life-changing surgeries.

The partnership with Interferry will help enable the continued work of the Africa Mercy through the endorsement of Mercy Ships to association members — more than 240 ferry operators and suppliers in 37 countries. The partnership will also raise awareness of much-needed maritime volunteer positions onboard the Africa Mercy as part of a joint employee engagement program supported throughout the ferry industry.

“Partnering with Interferry provides an important link to the ferry industry that we otherwise would not have  and we look forward to the win-win partnership of engaging with their community of members and partners,” says Crystal Brent, Mercy Ships Canada Chief Marketing Officer. “We are so thankful for their support.”

About Interferry

Interferry is  the only association representing the worldwide ferry industry. The association is highly respected for its focus on the safety and security of passengers, crew, cargo and ships, as well as protection of the environment. Through its consultative status at regulatory bodies such as the International Maritime Organization, Interferry proactively advocates on behalf of members’ interests and to the benefit of the public and the ferry industry as a whole.

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