An unforgettable adventure
Meet our crew of volunteers!
A global community of volunteers bringing hope and healing onboard the world’s largest fleet of non-governmental hospital ships. Short-term and long-term crew members who offer a wide range of expertise: seafarers, engineers, plumbers, carpenters, information technology staff, teachers, surgeons, nurses, dentists, cooks, photographers and more. Mercy Ships would not exist without our amazing volunteers!
How Volunteering in Africa Impacts Lives in The Long Term
Either you are a nurse, cook, surgeon, engineer, electrician or captain... you have the power to transform lives in Africa.
Mercy Ships Canada Volunteer Crew Recognized for Dedication
The efforts of the Canadian volunteer crew have been recognized as the most dedicated international healthcare organization in the 2024 Canadian Business Awards.
The Ripple Effect of Volunteerism
When one person chooses to volunteer with Mercy Ships, an entire community is affected by that decision. Learn more!
Dave Albrecht
Here is a story shared by Dave Albrecht, a Canadian Nurse volunteer who served with Mercy Ships in Sierra Leone in 2011.
Tara McHardy
Meet Tara on her humanitarian trip! Discover a Canadian nurse committed to humanitarian aid with Mercy Ships in Africa.
A French-speaking Canadian on board
People who meet Céline on board the Africa Mercy will hear a “Bonjour! Comment ça va?” or “Merci!” She is happy to greet other volunteers in French as they pass her by.
A Canadian family abroad for humanitarian work
Meet the Kliewers! Discover a family committed to humanitarian work on our hospital ships in Africa with Mercy Ships.
Stephanie Bauman
More than 10 years ago, a friend of Stephanie’s boarded the Africa Mercy. She witnessed the impact on her life and decided that one day it would be her turn.
Dr. Sherif Emil
Dr. Emil is a professor of Pediatric Surgery at McGill University, the director of the Division of Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.
Mark Carew
After retiring from the offshore oil and gas industry in 2014, 52-year-old Captain Mark Carew, from Fall River, Nova Scotia, started a new chapter in his life.
How Volunteering in Africa Impacts Lives in The Long Term
Either you are a nurse, cook, surgeon, engineer, electrician or captain... you have the power to transform lives in Africa.
Deux chirurgiens Québécois opèrent bénévolement en Sierra Leone
En avril 2024, le couple de chirurgiens québécois, Dr Jean-Martin Laberge et Dre Louise Caouette-Laberge, est monté à bord du Global Mercy à Freetown en Sierra Leone pour opérer bénévolement les patients.
Mercy Ships Canada Volunteer Crew Recognized for Dedication
The efforts of the Canadian volunteer crew have been recognized as the most dedicated international healthcare organization in the 2024 Canadian Business Awards.
The Ripple Effect of Volunteerism
When one person chooses to volunteer with Mercy Ships, an entire community is affected by that decision. Learn more!
Dave Albrecht
Here is a story shared by Dave Albrecht, a Canadian Nurse volunteer who served with Mercy Ships in Sierra Leone in 2011.
Tara McHardy
Meet Tara on her humanitarian trip! Discover a Canadian nurse committed to humanitarian aid with Mercy Ships in Africa.
A French-speaking Canadian on board
People who meet Céline on board the Africa Mercy will hear a “Bonjour! Comment ça va?” or “Merci!” She is happy to greet other volunteers in French as they pass her by.
A Canadian family abroad for humanitarian work
Meet the Kliewers! Discover a family committed to humanitarian work on our hospital ships in Africa with Mercy Ships.
Stephanie Bauman
More than 10 years ago, a friend of Stephanie’s boarded the Africa Mercy. She witnessed the impact on her life and decided that one day it would be her turn.
Dr. Sherif Emil
Dr. Emil is a professor of Pediatric Surgery at McGill University, the director of the Division of Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.
Mark Carew
After retiring from the offshore oil and gas industry in 2014, 52-year-old Captain Mark Carew, from Fall River, Nova Scotia, started a new chapter in his life.
The real change comes when we all work together.
No one should feel isolated from their community because they can’t access medical care. Help us bring hope and healing to those in need. So they can live with purpose and meaning in their communities.