With You - Our Ships Become Hospitals

Propelled by compassion, lives are transformed by action when Mercy Ships volunteers bring safe and accessible healthcare to Africa. So, find your place on board and fulfill an extraordinary mission by sharing your knowledge, experience, skills, and drive to bring hope and healing. Volunteer opportunities for electricians, plumbers, deck officers, marine engineers, information technology, hospitality staff, teachers, chaplains, lab technicians, nurses, pharmacist, surgeons, ophthalmologists, dentists and more. Join an international volunteer health care community aboard our hospital ships and make your mark today.

Why You are Needed

Each year as many as 1,550 volunteers from 60 nations serve on board our fleet doing humanitarian work.

Volunteer in Africa: Find Your Place on Board

Volunteer opportunities are available in the operation room, hospital, radiology, pharmacy and more.

Volunteer opportunities are available in HR, IT, hospitality, finances, school departments and more.

Volunteer opportunities are available in navigation, engineering, logistics, supply, operation departments and more.

Volunteer Abroad for Mercy Ships

The community onboard our hospital ships are a vibrant mosaic of skills, talents, and life experience. Every year volunteers come from around the world to serve in humanitarian work.
Contact us to see if there is a place for you.

We are here to help you in your volunteer journey!

Catherine Tremblay


Noémie Ntahonkiriye

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1-866-900-7447 (toll free)

Volunteer Crew Testimonials Doing Humanitarian Work

"Through Mercy Ships, I feel like I can make a very real contribution to bridging that gap while putting my skills to work for those who don't live in a country where health care is free, reliable and easily accessible."

"One of the many wonderful aspects of working with Mercy Ships is the ability to teach and mentor trainees during our field services – from our own communities, as well as from Africa. And these relationships will continue far beyond the time we have together."

"I am developing my adaptability, tolerance and open-mindedness. My relationship with patients is much more than in a "normal" hospital. We are a great team and we are close to our patients."

Volunteer Opportunities With Mercy Ships

Find your place onboard. Partner with us today, and don’t miss the opportunity to help change someone’s life forever.
Your support and volunteer efforts bring hope and healing to so many in great need.

Want to serve but it’s not the right time?

Consider helping volunteers in their fundraising efforts.