Accessible Healthcare in Africa is Vital
In West and sub-Saharan Africa, 90% of the population cannot afford medical care or live too far from a hospital to access treatment.
This is a global crisis Mercy Ships Canada is fighting to change.

Healthcare is a Necessity
Sadly, medical attention is often out of reach. It’s either financially impossible or unavailable. And the stark reality is many are living with treatable health conditions because they cannot get the medications, treatments, or surgeries they need.
The Deeper Struggle
But there’s a greater problem. Lack of proper medical attention affects more than someone’s health. It means disconnection. Having a severe health condition ostracizes people from their families and communities. Leading to a life of fear, shame, and isolation.

Everyone should have access to medical care no matter where they live.
That’s why Mercy Ships Canada exists, to bring healthcare and medical attention to Africa’s most needy. Our self-contained hospital ships can perform various medical procedures without disrupting the community. We also strive to provide sustainable change. With programs and training, we help local healthcare workers raise the quality of care for those they serve.
The impact of proper healthcare:
Dignity is restored. Individuals are able to work and care for their families.
Generations are strengthened. Children are able to attend school.
Communities can thrive. Everyone is able to contribute.
Nations are empowered. Countries can heal their own people.

Tackling a Global Medical Crisis
Mercy Ships is uniquely positioned to serve Africa’s needy with full operational, self-contained hospital ships equipped to perform numerous surgical procedures.
In addition to offering free medical care, we provide training programs to help local healthcare workers provide better care to their communities for sustainable change.
The real change comes when we all work together.
No one should feel isolated from their community because they can’t access medical care. Help us bring hope and healing to those in need. So they can live with purpose and meaning in their communities.