Houssainatou after her maxillofacial operation

What will your legacy reflect?

Help Mercy Ships Canada write the future of healthcare.

Mercy Ships Canada has reflected on the question of legacy and is investing in the future of healthcare. Our two hospital ships are serving and strengthening healthcare systems in developing nations.

Since 1978, thanks to them, we have been able to:



surgeries on board our hospital ships




local health professionals in advanced medical procedures


Carry Out


infrastructure projects completed

Write Your Chapter

  • Wills & Estates
  • Securities/Insurance
  • Donor Advised Funds

For more information on planned giving opportunities, please contact:

Darryl Anderson
Executive Director, Mercy Ships Canada


A bequest can be as simple as a sentence or two naming Mercy Ships Canada Society in your will or adding a codicil to your existing will.

You can designate a specific dollar amount, a particular asset or a fixed percentage of your estate to Mercy Ships Canada. You can also request that the principal of your charitable bequest be held in endowment. The designated amount can be donated to Mercy Ships Canada’s most urgent needs.

When you leave a bequest to Mercy Ships Canada, we will issue a tax receipt for the full value of the bequest which can then be used to reduce the tax payable on your final return.

Your gift is flexible and revocable at any time should your financial situation change.

Life Insurance

Donating life insurance to Mercy Ships Canada can be an excellent way to transform affordable premium payments into a substantial future donation. There can also be tax saving benefits. There are two ways you can use life insurance to donate to Mercy Ships Canada:

Name Mercy Ships Canada as the beneficiary on your policy. Mercy Ships Canada receives the insurance proceeds like a regular beneficiary would, but the payments to Mercy Ships Canada are considered a donation in the year of death. Donate an existing or new life insurance policy directly to Mercy Ships Canada. You receive an official donation receipt for any cash value present at the time the donation is made on a paid-up policy. This provides an immediate tax benefit while you are living.

⚠️ Proposed 2024 Canadian Government Donation Extension

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