Mercy Ships Canada is able to exist only because of our supporters.
By supporters we mean those who donate their time and money, but our definition goes beyond that.
A supporter is a social media ambassador who shares our stories with their networks. A supporter is someone who requests a speaker for their church or workplace. A supporter is someone who talks about our mission with their friends, neighbours and communities.
While those who donate their time and money are crucial to our mission, we rely on a much greater network to fulfil our goals. There are many ways to support Mercy Ships beyond volunteering and donating money.
Host an event or speak to your congregation about the transformational impact of Mercy Ships.
Churches are the driving force behind Mercy Ships. From crew recruitment to awareness raising, financial support to prayer, we need your church’s active participation to increase our reach to those in need.
Crew Recruitment
Churches are an integral part of crew recruitment for Mercy Ships. Our age limit is 18 to 70 years of age. Our medical and non-medical roles are split almost 50/50, and there is a position for almost every skill set. Encourage your faith community to step in this mission of redemption & restoration to play their part in bringing this reality for hundreds of families in Africa. Learn more
Awareness Opportunities
Not overly familiar with the work of Mercy Ships? Why not host a Mercy Minute in your congregation by using one of our amazing videos?
Financial Support
There are so many ways your church can help raise funds for the life-transforming work of Mercy Ships.
Church Collection
Choose a Sunday where a special collection is designated for the work of Mercy Ships. A customized bulletin insert can be created to help you publicize this special offering.
Special Church Event for Mercy Ships
Why not host a soup lunch for Mercy Ships? A pancake breakfast? A potluck dinner? Car wash, second-hand market or Choir Concert? Your creativity is the limit! Where geographically possible, a Mercy Ships Alumni Speaker may be available to help.
Vacation Bible School
Designate Mercy Ships as the charity of choice for your bible school. We have materials to help you make it happen, including colouring sheets, origami ship templates, crew blogs, patient and crew videos, and much more!
“Ask, and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
Join with us as a church, family or individual to pray for the work of Mercy Ships and all the people who make our mission a reality every day.