Church and Hospital Chaplaincy

Mercy Ships Canada is able to exist only because of our supporters.

By supporters we mean those who donate their time and money, but our definition goes beyond that.

A supporter is a social media ambassador who shares our stories with their networks. A supporter is someone who requests a speaker for their church or workplace. A supporter is someone who talks about our mission with their friends, neighbours and communities.

While those who donate their time and money are crucial to our mission, we rely on a much greater network to fulfil our goals. There are many ways to support Mercy Ships beyond volunteering and donating money.

Host an event or speak to your congregation about the transformational impact of Mercy Ships.

Churches are the driving force behind Mercy Ships. From crew recruitment to awareness raising, financial support to prayer, we need your church’s active participation to increase our reach to those in need.

Crew Recruitment

Churches are an integral part of crew recruitment for Mercy Ships. Our age limit is 18 to 70 years of age. Our medical and non-medical roles are split almost 50/50, and there is a position for almost every skill set. Encourage your faith community to step in this mission of redemption & restoration to play their part in bringing this reality for hundreds of families in Africa. Learn more

Awareness Opportunities

Not overly familiar with the work of Mercy Ships? Why not host a Mercy Minute in your congregation by using one of our amazing videos?


Financial Support

There are so many ways your church can help raise funds for the life-transforming work of Mercy Ships.

Church Collection
Choose a Sunday where a special collection is designated for the work of Mercy Ships. A customized bulletin insert can be created to help you publicize this special offering.

Special Church Event for Mercy Ships
Why not host a soup lunch for Mercy Ships? A pancake breakfast? A potluck dinner? Car wash, second-hand market or Choir Concert? Your creativity is the limit! Where geographically possible, a Mercy Ships Alumni Speaker may be available to help.

Vacation Bible School
Designate Mercy Ships as the charity of choice for your bible school. We have materials to help you make it happen, including colouring sheets, origami ship templates, crew blogs, patient and crew videos, and much more!

Pray With Us

“Ask, and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

Join with us as a church, family or individual to pray for the work of Mercy Ships. We include prayer points that need your support during every field service, which run from August to July each year.

Prayer Calendar


  • Happy New Year! Our field service is more than half over. Pray for sustained energy and wisdom for our crew. May they not become overwhelmed by the constant arrivals and partings of crew, patients and family members.
  • Our training of local healthcare professionals in in full-swing! Pray for open hearts and willing minds for the teachers and learners, and that sustainable change will come to the local health care system.


  • Our Agricultural Training Program is underway! Pray that local farmers be eager to learn and practice sustainable, organic farming methods. Pray that God’s creative power and beauty be revealed to the students as they apply their studies on their own local farms.
  • Our physiotherapy and occupational therapy services are extremely busy treating our Orthopaedic and Plastic Reconstructive surgery patients. Pray that their energies may be renewed daily, and that their patients bodies are restored.


  • Our ship’s school is filled with the children of crew members. Pray that students are grateful and eager for the opportunity to study onboard, and learn all they can during their amazing experience.
  • Ask for patience and wisdom for our teachers as they teach across language and cultural barriers.


  • Our HR department is busy reviewing and accepting crew for our next field service. Pray for guidance for them as positions are assigned. Ask for patience for our applicants as they negotiate the application process.
  • It’s Easter on the ships, and a time of celebration with our patients onboard. Pray that they may have open hearts to recognize the calling of Christ, and a willingness to take him into their hearts as their Lord and Savour.


  • This is the last month of our surgeries! It is a time when the energy of the crew can be low. Pray for an infusion of energy onboard and that every patient that needs our surgical care can be fit into the surgical schedule before the ships depart.
  • Our advance team is arriving in our next country of service! Pray for their safety and for good relations with government officials in each aspect of their planning and work.
  • As the surgeries wind down, our crew members are starting to return home. Pray that the wonderful friendships made with crew, day crew, patients and their families will continue to bring joy throughout the years to come.


  • Our surgeries are finished, and our wards are down to one, with just a few patients waiting to be discharged. It is pack-up time! Pray for an efficient and safe packing and transition period.
  • Our ships are departing! Pray for safe sailing for the ships and crew onboard.
  • We arrive in shipyard! Pray for our amazing team of shipyard volunteers who attend to every repair and certification that must be achieved during this period.


  • The pressure is on! Our shipyard volunteers are extremely busy with checks and repairs. Pray that our departure schedule may be met and no significant issues arise.
  • Pray for safe travels for our crew that are arriving in shipyard in time to sail with the ships.


  • Our ships are leaving shipyard and sailing to our next country of service. Pray for calm seas free from danger and violence, and that our crew may avoid sea-sickness.
  • Our ships arrive in our next port-of-call! Pray for the safe and speedy unpacking of all items stored on the ships. Pray that port authorities will have patience and support for our work, and that all arriving supply containers may be released from customs without conflict.
  • Our crew who did not sail with us are starting to arrive on the ships, so please pray for safe flights and travel. Ask God to give courage to those who are fearful or uncertain.
  • Our local day crew are starting to be trained for their duties. Pray that a wonderful team can be created from those serving from both low and high income countries.


  • Our first large screening is taking place! Pray for the safety of all crew who are participating. Ask for guidance and wisdom for the screening team, who must review hundreds of patients – and who must turn away those we cannot help.
  • Our HOPE Centre (Hospital Out-Patient Extension Centre) is opening! Pray that our volunteer staff will show the love of Jesus to our patients and their families, by welcoming and supporting them as they prepare to face surgery – and recover from it.
  • Our surgeries are beginning! Pray especially for our crew in the OR, who must learn to work together, despite cultural and language differences. Pray for the sterile processing department, that all equipment may function as intended.
  • Our onboard hospital wards are opening! Pray for our ward nurses, that they may work as a team despite language and cultural differences. Give them strength and patience for the crowded and noisy ward conditions, to which they are often not accustomed. Ask for strength for our night shift nurses as they struggle with changed sleeping patterns so far away from home.


  • The rhythm of the ships continues, and the novelty of ship life can sometimes wear thin. Pray for our crew who feel lonely or homesick. Ask God to reveal an aspect of life and people in Africa that is uplifting and special.
  • Our off-ship volunteer programs begin in local orphanages and prisons. Pray for safe travels for our crew in the local community. Ask God to touch the hearts of the program participants that they may feel His love.



  • Christmas is coming – even to a ship in West Africa! Pray that the joy of Jesus’s birth can be seen, known and felt by our patients and their families.
  • Christmas is a meaningful and exciting time for our crew – but is also a time of great home sickness. Pray that our crew will feel the love of family and friends, despite the distance that separates.

Your faithful prayers will help our crew, patients and our ships along in our journey of providing free surgeries, healthcare training and spiritual support to those in Africa.

Will your church become an Anchor Church for Mercy Ships?

Partner with us today to support us in:

Crew Recruitment

Awareness Opportunities


Financial Support

Join us, and become part of a life-changing story!
Call us at 1-866-900-7447 or email We are deeply grateful for your support.

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