Presse und Medien

Salle de presse

L’histoire de Mercy Ships mérite d’être partagée

Des milliers de vies sont transformées grâce à la chirurgie gratuite : c’est un message d’espoir qui donne du pouvoir. Alors que Mercy Ships prend soin de celles et ceux qui sont dans le besoin, nous vous invitons à donner une voix aux personnes qui ne peuvent pas parler pour elles-mêmes. Sur cette page, vous trouverez des articles, des photos, des vidéos et des reportages sur notre travail. Pour plus d’informations, appelez notre bureau au 1-866-900-7447 ou envoyez-nous un courriel à


Mr. Alpha Bacar Barry

L'unique école dentaire publique de Guinée inaugure l’extension de son centre de formation pour révolutionner les soins dentaires en Afrique de l'Ouest

La seule école dentaire publique de Guinée a célébré hier l'inauguration de son centre de formation ultramoderne, qui [...]

Mercy Ships accueille son premier patient à Madagascar, marquant un nouveau chapitre de son activité chirurgicale en Afrique

VICTORIA, BC – Darryl Anderson, Executive Director of Mercy Ships Canada is excited to announce that the Africa Mercy commencement […]

Les partenariats dynamiques stimulent les soins chirurgicaux en Afrique de l'Ouest, selon des experts

Freetown, SIERRA LEONE - Lors de la 64e Conférence et réunion scientifique du Collège ouest-africain des chirurgiens (WACS), les chirurgiens de renom […]
Dr. Sherif Emil Operation

Un chirurgien pédiatrique de Montréal opère bénévolement sur un navire-hôpital

From the Montreal Children’s Hospital to a hospital at sea, pediatric surgeon Dr. Sherif Emil is using his expertise to […]
Mission Madagascar

Un navire-hôpital arrive à Madagascar pour dispenser des soins chirurgicaux et des formations

Toute l'équipe du bureau national canadien est heureuse de soutenir les nombreux bénévoles à bord […]

Father is first patient in Sierra Leone to receive life transforming surgery on board Mercy Ship

A 43-year-old man who feared he would have to live with a tumor on his face for life was the […]
The Global Mercy

Designed with purpose — The Global Mercy™ arrives in Dakar ready to serve the people of Senegal and The Gambia with surgical expertise and training

The newest Mercy Ship, the Global Mercy®arrived in Dakar, Senegal on February 14, 2023. While the ship hosted surgical training […]

Don Stephens, Founder of Mercy Ships, Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from African Dignitaries at The Visionary Leaders Annual Summit

A Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Don Stephens, founder of Mercy Ships this past weekend at the opening event […]
Dr. Mark Shrime

Teaching someone to fish: the false dichotomy of relief and development

We often construct a similar dichotomy in global health, pitting relief against development, and assuming only one should happen. For […]
Our hospital ships

Global Mercy™ begins local healthcare training, following historic week of events in Dakar

In the midst of celebrations around the arrival of the Global Mercy to Senegal, training has already begun by the crew […]
The Global Mercy

H.E. President Macky Sall leads inauguration of the world’s largest purpose-built hospital ship, the Global Mercy™

H.E. President of Senegal Macky Sall has inaugurated the world’s largest purpose-built hospital ship and committed to accelerate access to […]
International Symposium hosted at the King Fahd Palace Hotel in Dakar, Sen

Safer Surgery by 2030: Medical Experts and Health Ministers Gather for Breakthrough Symposium in Senegal

Following a three-day International Symposium bringing together medical experts from 29 African countries, Ministers of Health from around Africa converged […]

The Africa Mercy returns to Dakar to resume surgery

Canadian volunteers prepare to serve West Africa onboard one of the world’s largest civilian hospital ships.

True North Marine (TNM) Helps Mercy Ships Plot a Course of Hope and Healing

The Global Mercy was designed by Stena RoRo and, once in operation in 2022, will be the first purpose-built vessel […]

World’s largest civilian hospital ship, the Global Mercy®, to arrive soon in Antwerp with Canadian Volunteers

The Global Mercy, the new-built ship of Mercy Ships, completed its journey through the Suez Canal free of charge and […]

Mercy Ships Canada celebrates arrival in Dakar, Senegal

Canadian volunteers will help provide free surgeries and training onboard the world’s largest charity hospital ship, the Africa Mercy.

Canadian medical volunteers help give 100,000 free surgical procedures in West Africa

A 7-month-old patient receives the 100,000th free surgical procedure given by Mercy Ships volunteers.
Mr. Alpha Bacar Barry

L'unique école dentaire publique de Guinée inaugure l’extension de son centre de formation pour révolutionner les soins dentaires en Afrique de l'Ouest

La seule école dentaire publique de Guinée a célébré hier l'inauguration de son centre de formation ultramoderne, qui [...]

Mercy Ships accueille son premier patient à Madagascar, marquant un nouveau chapitre de son activité chirurgicale en Afrique

VICTORIA, BC – Darryl Anderson, Executive Director of Mercy Ships Canada is excited to announce that the Africa Mercy commencement […]
The Laberge

Un couple de québécois s’engage comme chirurgiens bénévoles à bord du plus grand navire-hôpital civil au monde

Montréal, QC, 27 mars 2024 – En avril 2024, le couple de chirurgiens québécois, Dr Jean-Martin Laberge et Dre Louise […]

Les partenariats dynamiques stimulent les soins chirurgicaux en Afrique de l'Ouest, selon des experts

Freetown, SIERRA LEONE - Lors de la 64e Conférence et réunion scientifique du Collège ouest-africain des chirurgiens (WACS), les chirurgiens de renom […]
Dr. Sherif Emil Operation

Un chirurgien pédiatrique de Montréal opère bénévolement sur un navire-hôpital

From the Montreal Children’s Hospital to a hospital at sea, pediatric surgeon Dr. Sherif Emil is using his expertise to […]
Mission Madagascar

Un navire-hôpital arrive à Madagascar pour dispenser des soins chirurgicaux et des formations

Toute l'équipe du bureau national canadien est heureuse de soutenir les nombreux bénévoles à bord […]

Father is first patient in Sierra Leone to receive life transforming surgery on board Mercy Ship

A 43-year-old man who feared he would have to live with a tumor on his face for life was the […]
The Global Mercy

Designed with purpose — The Global Mercy™ arrives in Dakar ready to serve the people of Senegal and The Gambia with surgical expertise and training

The newest Mercy Ship, the Global Mercy®arrived in Dakar, Senegal on February 14, 2023. While the ship hosted surgical training […]

Don Stephens, Founder of Mercy Ships, Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from African Dignitaries at The Visionary Leaders Annual Summit

A Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Don Stephens, founder of Mercy Ships this past weekend at the opening event […]
Dr. Mark Shrime

Teaching someone to fish: the false dichotomy of relief and development

We often construct a similar dichotomy in global health, pitting relief against development, and assuming only one should happen. For […]
Our hospital ships

Global Mercy™ begins local healthcare training, following historic week of events in Dakar

In the midst of celebrations around the arrival of the Global Mercy to Senegal, training has already begun by the crew […]
The Global Mercy

H.E. President Macky Sall leads inauguration of the world’s largest purpose-built hospital ship, the Global Mercy™

H.E. President of Senegal Macky Sall has inaugurated the world’s largest purpose-built hospital ship and committed to accelerate access to […]
International Symposium hosted at the King Fahd Palace Hotel in Dakar, Sen

Safer Surgery by 2030: Medical Experts and Health Ministers Gather for Breakthrough Symposium in Senegal

Following a three-day International Symposium bringing together medical experts from 29 African countries, Ministers of Health from around Africa converged […]

The Africa Mercy returns to Dakar to resume surgery

Canadian volunteers prepare to serve West Africa onboard one of the world’s largest civilian hospital ships.

True North Marine (TNM) Helps Mercy Ships Plot a Course of Hope and Healing

The Global Mercy was designed by Stena RoRo and, once in operation in 2022, will be the first purpose-built vessel […]

World’s largest civilian hospital ship, the Global Mercy®, to arrive soon in Antwerp with Canadian Volunteers

The Global Mercy, the new-built ship of Mercy Ships, completed its journey through the Suez Canal free of charge and […]

Mercy Ships Canada celebrates arrival in Dakar, Senegal

Canadian volunteers will help provide free surgeries and training onboard the world’s largest charity hospital ship, the Africa Mercy.

Canadian medical volunteers help give 100,000 free surgical procedures in West Africa

A 7-month-old patient receives the 100,000th free surgical procedure given by Mercy Ships volunteers.


Transformer des vies

Mercy Ships à la TV


Le bénévole canadien Riley Chow, rédacteur, avec le drapeau canadien
Amadou, le premier patient à bord du Global Mercy, et son accompagnatrice
Unité de soins C du Global Mercy
L'Africa Mercy & le Global Mercy
Le Global Mercy & the Africa Mercy sailing together
Le Global Mercy
L'Africa Mercy
Avant et après les rénovations d'une salle d'opération à Madagascar
Capitaine Mark Carew de Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse
La canadienne Erin Muyres, directrice des projets de renforcement des capacités médicales au Sénégal
Pierre - avant
Pierre - après
Kaltoumi - avant
Kaltoumi - après

Le véritable changement arrive lorsque nous travaillons tous ensemble.

C’est un travail de tous les instants. Devenez partenaire dès aujourd’hui et ne manquez pas l’occasion de contribuer à changer la vie de quelqu’un pour toujours. Votre soutien et vos efforts bénévoles apportent l’espoir et la guérison à tant de personnes dans le besoin.

⚠️ Proposition de prolongation du délai de déclaration des dons de bienfaisance 2024

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